Webinar: Create engaging learning activities with Discovery Education Studio

Open to all Discovery Education subscribers Studio, our collaboration and presentation tool, serves as your creative outlet for those activities you’ve always wanted to try. And, you can rely on Microsoft’s Immersive Reader for literacy support. This powerful tool provides a number of ways to easily personalise your lessons. Start with one of our new […]
Create engaging learning activities with Discovery Education Studio

Open to all Discovery Education subscribers Studio, our collaboration and presentation tool, serves as your creative outlet for those activities you’ve always wanted to try. And, you can rely on Microsoft’s Immersive Reader for literacy support. Start with one of our new activity templates based on SOS Instructional Strategies, then build a Studio Board or Slideshow to […]
Tuesday Tutorial: Assessing your pupils understanding with Studio

The powerful Studio tool from Discovery Education allows you to develop your pupils’ critical thinking by combining high-quality digital content with powerful assessment opportunities. Join Chris Nash, Head of Community at Discovery Education to see how you can utilise open and closed questioning to elicit your pupils understanding as well as allowing them to feedback […]
Tuesday Tutorial: Adapting lesson resources for differentiation

Whether looking for ready-made lesson materials or wanting to create your own, Discovery Education’s powerful Studio tool allows you to easily adapt and differentiate your resources. Chris Nash, Head of Community at Discovery Education demonstrates how you can create engaging activities and make them accessible for all pupils. This session will also allow you to […]
Tuesday Tutorial: Assign powerful and collaborative learning resources with Studio

Discovery Education’s Studio tool provides several powerful pathways for teachers and pupils to share and collaborate on boards. Join this webinar to find out how to assign boards to pupils so they can interact, edit and adapt boards for projects and assignments. This session will also allow you to ask any questions you may have […]
Tuesday Tutorial: Improve reading and writing with Immersive Reader

Immersive Reader is a tool that implements proven techniques to improve reading and writing. In this live session Chris Nash, Head of Community at Discovery Education will demonstrate how it’s integration with Studio has many benefits including increasing fluency and building confidence for all readers. This session will also allow you to ask any questions […]