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A whole school programme for primary RSHE


Lee Chapel Primary School in Basildon uses Discovery Education Health and Relationships to teach PSHE. Assistant Head Shiv Chetty shares how the programme supports teachers to deliver the new curriculum, while helping pupils to understand their rights and responsibilities.


We’ve been using Discovery Education Health and Relationships since the summer term of 2020. With the new PSHE curriculum about to launch, we wanted a resource with everything in one place. We chose Health and Relationships because it’s a complete solution. We trialled it during lockdown and had fantastic feedback from our teachers and pupils who all loved it.


What we like most about Health and Relationships is the video content. That was the biggest factor for us in choosing this programme. We wanted a scheme of work that was well pitched for children and Health and Relationships is pitch perfect. Each unit includes a video presented by children and young adults. The films are relatable, engaging and easy for pupils to understand.


One of the best things about Health and Relationships is that we don’t have to do any lesson planning. We lift everything straight from the scheme of work. As a teacher this is fantastic. It’s just a quick read through and we’re ready to go. The resources are all there and we can just pick up the programme and use it. Plus, we can track the children’s progress through our marking. It’s all there for us.


Recently in Year 4 we’ve been looking at the UN Convention on Children’s Rights. Health and Relationships has a lovely section on this, with speaking and listening tasks. At the start of our first lesson most of the children didn’t realise that they had rights. They were happy to learn that they have the right to relax and to play but less thrilled about their right to an education! I could see that this topic would prompt a lovely piece of writing, so I extended their learning with some book work. When it comes to PSHE we always try to add more to every lesson. A broad and balanced curriculum is very important to us.


Health and Relationships is divided into 6 topics which cover the new PSHE curriculum. Our topic this term is Caring and Responsibility, which explores pupils’ responsibilities as they get older. There’s a fantastic video about two children and the different jobs they have to do at home, from feeding animals to caring for a younger brother. This led to a discussion where pupils shared what they do outside of school. Some of the children said, ‘I don’t do anything’ while others said, ‘I do lots of things.’ They would look at each other and go ‘Wow!’ Helping pupils to appreciate how other people live their lives is exactly what we should be doing. Health and Relationships helps us to create a forum where it’s safe for them to talk about these things.


The programme includes some great activities and printable resources. Recently we used a worksheet where the children had to look at different scenarios and recognise children’s rights. One of the scenarios was about religion and respecting other faiths. This is really important to us as a school and Health and Relationships links to our RE teaching very well. At the moment we are learning about Judaism and while none of our students are Jewish they can see the links with other faiths. They understand that regardless of difference, we all have things in common.


Before using Health and Relationships we taught PSHE fortnightly. Now we teach it every week and this has made a real difference. The children get excited about PSHE because they know it involves a lot of talking. They really enjoy chatting about different issues with their peers. We like the fact that Health and Relationships isn’t about independent work. PSHE should be collaborative and about working together.


Supporting mental health is a priority for our school. Children have a lot of worries, especially during the pandemic. That’s why we now teach PSHE at least once a week. We also let class teachers take the lead, so that they can identify any issues that arise. Giving pupils space to talk is the best way to support their mental health. This is one of the reasons why I’m really passionate about PSHE as a subject. The speaking and listening side of things is vital and Health and Relationships helps us to deliver this.


Getting ready to teach any new curriculum can be daunting, but Health and Relationships has helped us to feel fully prepared. Having trialled the programme during the first lockdown, we held a staff CPD day before rolling it out school-wide. One of the big issues for us was managing perceptions. After negative media coverage about the new curriculum we felt that we needed to reassure our staff. Once we explained what would be taught and framed it in the context of being a tolerant and caring school, our teachers were fully on board.


Communicating this message to parents is just as important. As Assistant Headteacher I talk to parents every day, so I already had a sense of their questions. Overall they were very supportive. We wrote to families and had some lovely responses, particularly from our same sex parents. They were happy that we were teaching about different kinds of relationships openly. The world is changing , things are moving in the right direction and it’s only right that our teaching keeps up. Health and Relationships helps us to achieve this. We can meet the new PSHE curriculum and support our pupils at the same time. For us, it’s the whole package.

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Health and Relationships: Teaching RSHE with Discovery Education


Broadgreen Primary School uses Discovery Education’s Health and Relationships programme to deliver the new RSHE curriculum. Assistant Headteacher Suzanne Evans shares how the resources have helped the school to prepare for curriculum change and teachers to deliver with confidence.


We’ve been using Discovery Education Health and Relationships for several months, and are very happy with it. We adopted the new RSE curriculum a year early and were looking for something to supplement our existing resources. Health and Relationships provided a complete package. As existing users of Espresso and Coding – which our pupils and teachers love – we knew that this would be a high-quality resource. The digital content is engaging and teachers find it easy to use. Each topic has a lesson plan, video and linked activities.


Some of our teachers felt less confident to deliver the new RSE curriculum, especially in terms of assessment. Many were unsure about how to assess pupils’ skills and knowledge. Health and Relationships helps us to do this because it supports and tracks pupil progress. The curriculum content is split into 6 topics: Healthy and Happy Friendships, Families and Committed Relationships, Caring and Responsibility, Similarities and Differences, Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds and Coping With Change. Pupils work through the topics each year and progress. We love this spiral curriculum approach and the ability to revisit topics to scaffold learning.


The Health and Relationships resources are really engaging and designed with children in mind. The feedback we’ve had from our pupils so far has been very positive. They like the videos, which feel very current. And they love the fact that lots of the films are presented by other children. They can relate to the content and the learning reflects their lives. Children also enjoy the activities, which aren’t just worksheet based. They have to look at different scenarios and discuss what they might do. It’s great to see children put themselves in another person’s shoes.


The activities in Health and Relationships promote lots of different skills, including active listening and reasoning. Having learned about a topic, children are encouraged to work together to come up with a solution. Our Year 2 pupils enjoyed an activity where they had to rank statements about friendships in order, to express what they valued. Teachers liked this because it encouraged reasoning, higher order thinking and independent thinking. Health and Relationships also introduces children to key vocabulary in a contextual way, and there are lots of opportunities for collaboration and talking. These are things that we really value in our learning and we love the fact that they are reflected in this resource.


One of the key aspects of this programme is that it teaches children the importance of diversity and reflects Britain’s diverse communities. As teachers, we are always looking for resources to make sure our lessons are inclusive. It’s great to see lots of different children and types of families and relationships represented in the videos. It’s diverse on every front.


Health and Relationships helps schools to communicate with parents and explain what children will be taught through the new curriculum. The programme includes template letters for each year group and materials for parent meetings. We already write to parents about our PSHE curriculum, but I think schools will find these extra resources really helpful. It’s nice to see the communication broken down for each year group.


PSHE has always been a priority for our school. During the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s become more important than ever. We’ll be implementing a recovery curriculum in September and Health and Relationships will be a key part of this. The resources will help us to promote the social and emotional skills that children will need. We don’t know how our pupils have been affected by lockdown, but we want to give them the opportunity to talk about their feelings and express themselves. Having been away from school for six months, they’ll need help with building positive relationships and reminding about what a good friend is. They might also need support with healthy eating and better sleep routines. Health and Relationships covers all of these themes.


The programme explores the importance and diversity of families, and the characteristics of positive family relationships. As a Stonewall school, this is something we champion, so it was great to find resources that fit with our teaching. The progression in this channel is excellent. In Year 1 children learn about different families. In Year 2 they see examples e.g. different sizes of families, same sex families, intergenerational families, families where there are different faiths and so on. We really like how Health and Relationships covers this. It fits with the ethos of our school.


I’m really pleased with Health and Relationships and would definitely recommend it to other schools. We wanted a resource which would support teachers and enable children to learn in a way that reflects their lives. Health and Relationships delivers this and I was so excited when I started using it. The resources are engaging, easy to use and bring learning to life. It’s great when you find something that you know will make a difference and help pupils.

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Complete support for primary RSHE


St Margaret’s CE Primary School uses Discovery Education Health and Relationships to deliver the new RHE curriculum. Deputy Headteacher Sam Winton explains why the scheme provides complete support and is popular with teachers and pupils alike.


Health and Relationships is our go-to resource for RHE. When we first reviewed the statutory guidance, we realised it covered a lot of new ground. We wanted a complete scheme of work teachers could pick up and run with. Health and Relationships felt right from day one. We liked the video content, and could see it would build teacher confidence.


Health and Relationships covers the new curriculum in 6 topics or ‘channels’, with 3 lessons in each. We teach RHE fortnightly, so we cover a topic every half term. Each lesson includes a plan, video, activities and teacher guidance. The videos are presented by children and are very engaging to watch. Teachers can simply switch on and the lesson is ready to go.


Our teachers love Health and Relationships because it’s a complete resource which saves time. To have everything in one place, ready to go and pitched at the right level, is a huge benefit. We don’t have time to search the internet for clips or make our own resources. Having access to a high-quality scheme that is age appropriate and geared towards what we are teaching is wonderful.


One of the best things about Health and Relationships is that it delivers real pupil progression. At the start of each topic we make a baseline assessment using mind maps which we later revisit. Before Health and Relationships, we weren’t capturing RHE progress effectively, but we’ve now got good evidence of the impact, which is huge. This term we’ve been learning about Healthy Friendships and it’s amazing to see how pupils have progressed.


Perhaps the biggest impact has been in the children’s ability to talk and listen to one another. They’re also learning how to accept different viewpoints and understand that not everybody feels the same way about life. In terms of building friendships and children getting along, Health and Relationships is a brilliant resource. It enables children to see things from a different perspective.


Health and Relationships is very flexible, and can be taught in a number of ways. We’ve opted to teach the same topic across the whole school each term, and we use our assemblies to consolidate learning. As RHE subject lead, I lead a weekly assembly where I focus on the current topic. I dip into each year group’s materials and adapt them for the whole school. I also use assembly time to reinforce safeguarding messages and make sure the children know where to go if they need help and support.


The Health and Relationships resources really lend themselves to children focusing on their mental health, and how to look after themselves physically and emotionally. This has been very important during the pandemic. Returning to school post lockdown, some children hadn’t seen their peers for a very long time. Learning about healthy relationships helped the children to re-establish friendships and understand what good friendship looks like.


Recently our Year 2 children were learning about Similarities and Differences. The lesson helped them to think about their strengths and abilities, in discussion with classmates. One little boy said “I’m really good at football. That’s why people like me.” But then another child said, “Actually I really like you, because you always smile at me in the morning and you’re really friendly.” It was lovely to see the children become aware of their positive attributes. The lessons have provided a great boost to their self-esteem.


Since using Health and Relationships, our pupils get very excited about RHE because it feels different to other lessons. They like the fact that it involves lots of talking, and they enjoy the child-led videos which open up discussions. Children also feel that it’s relevant. The themes link to every aspect of life at school and being a child today. The whole programme has been well thought out so that children can access and enjoy it.


Health and Relationships teaches children about diversity in lots of different ways and reflects our diverse society. What’s really nice is that the topics are very relevant and important for today. This is especially true of Similarities and Differences which reflects current issues. With everything that’s happening in the world at the moment, we find that Health and Relationships really supports our teaching.


Good RHE teaching should be delivered in partnership with parents, and the programme provides amazing support with this, which saves us a great deal of time. There are sample letters which we adapt and send to each year group, plus presentations to explain what’s going to be taught and why. Because we couldn’t have parents in school this year, we recorded the presentations and sent them via email. This helped us to have conversations that were absolutely key.


As a school we wholeheartedly recommend Health and Relationships. It’s saved us huge amounts of time and is brilliant to teach. The resources and support have given us confidence to approach challenging topics and our pupils are very engaged. The lessons have even inspired us as adults. We’ve recently created an ‘appreciation tree’ in the staff room, where we recognise acts of kindness. The programme has heightened our mental health awareness across the whole school community, which is more important now than ever.

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Teaching the new RSHE curriculum with Discovery Education Health and Relationships


Excalibur Primary School uses Discovery Education Health and Relationships to teach the new RHE curriculum. Assistant Headteacher Daniel Hancock shares how the resources keep pupils engaged and help teachers to meet the new statutory guidance.


We’ve been using Discovery Education Health and Relationships since the start of this academic year. When the new RHE curriculum was announced, we began looking for a programme to support our teaching. Health and Relationships was the most engaging, interactive and best value for money resource that we found. It ticked every box for us.


We use Health and Relationships in every year group, and cover a different topic each week. The digital content is quick and easy to access. At the start of each lesson we simply log on and click the relevant topic. Everything we need –videos, activities, worksheets and guidance – is in one place, differentiated by year group.


One of the best things about Health and Relationships is that it’s a complete scheme of work. With RHE there is always a risk that you might miss a topic or not cover it in enough depth. Having a programme which is easy to follow and mapped to the curriculum reassures us that we’re meeting the new guidance.


Health and Relationships builds teacher confidence because it’s so easy to deliver. It’s a very useable resource with a clear structure which allows for flexibility. As a scheme it has exactly the right amount of content, helping teachers to feel supported without being overwhelmed. Teachers can sometimes lack confidence when delivering topics which might impact on children in their class. The programme will help us to handle these with confidence and bring school-wide consistency to our teaching.


We like the way in which Health and Relationships’ digital content appeals to children. Our pupils are more engaged with RHE than ever before. They love watching the videos presented by other children because they can relate to what they see. The follow-on activities are very hands-on. Pupils explore different issues through role-play and discussion and they enjoy this very much.


Teaching about friendships is central to the new curriculum and Health and Relationships covers this well. We particularly like the Year 6 content. Friendship worries can be an issue in Year 6 but these aren’t always talked about. There’s a really nice video where two pupils look back on their time in primary school, and discuss the challenges of keeping friends as they move up to secondary.


Health and Relationships encourages children to talk about their feelings at any age. The videos explain how to recognise and deal with different emotions, and there are some lovely animated films which are very accessible. We’re always looking for ways to allow children to express themselves and it’s great to have a resource which helps us to do this. The programme also encourages resilience, which is one of the most important skills of all.


We like the fact that Health and Relationships is a progressive scheme of work. Children build upon their knowledge and it’s easy to track pupil progress. The programme also supports children’s personal development, because it creates opportunities to discuss issues for the first time. For us this is one of its key strengths. We use the digital resources as conversation starters that lead to important discussions.


The programme includes valuable guidance to help schools communicate with parents. There’s a helpful presentation and some good template letters. We used this to write our own letter to parents and hope this will encourage at-home support for what’s being taught in the classroom.


In summary, we’re very pleased with Discovery Education Health and Relationships. It’s a clear and well- structured programme, a complete solution which helps us deliver the new RHE curriculum with confidence. What’s more, our pupils love it. The interactive nature of the resources means they’re constantly engaged. We’d definitely recommend it to other schools.

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Supporting RSHE in the classroom and at home


Newland House School in Twickenham has embedded Discovery Education Health and Relationships at the very heart of their enhanced RHE curriculum. Nursery teacher and PSHE co-ordinator Andrea Taylor explains how the school is using the programme to support blended learning and to help teachers to meet the new RHE curriculum requirements.


We initially launched the Discovery Education Health and Relationships programme last September for pupils in Years 1 to 6 and even found that some of the resources were suitable for teaching our very youngest Early Years pupils. We are now in a position to teach the new RHE curriculum in full, despite the impact of the pandemic.


We had been researching resources to help us refresh our PSHE curriculum and were very pleased to discover the Health and Relationships programme which is simple to use, accessible and has everything that we need to deliver RHE in one convenient place. Not only did the programme do the planning for us but it also demonstrated what the learning objectives were and so far we have found the resources incredibly comprehensive.


The Health and Relationships programme makes it easy for teachers to ensure they are covering all aspect of the new RHE curriculum. It takes away much of the hard work of researching and planning and clearly sets out what pupils will achieve from each lesson. The programme provides a complete package but also offers the flexibility to add our own resources, perhaps to expand on a section, so it becomes a continually evolving reference point for teachers.


As the RHE curriculum is new, some teachers are understandably a little apprehensive about the best way to deliver the content. Using Health and Relationships has given our teachers greater confidence as it sets out the curriculum very clearly and ensures the content is age-appropriate.


We have found that one of the best aspects about the Health and Relationships programme is the video content. Recently, one of our Year 2 classes had a friendship issue and their teacher was quickly able to use one of the videos to manage the issue in a sensitive and understanding way. The film helped the children to work through their concerns and when the rest of the class watched the video too it prompted enough conversation to last the rest of the lesson!


Diversity is very important to us as a school and the Health and Relationships programme provides considered explanatory content which has proved very helpful for teaching pupils about different types of families. In one video scenario, it explores different types of families, such as adoptive and same-sex families, which has been invaluable in teaching our pupils how to understand and accept differences.


Using children to present topics within the videos has helped pupils to relate to the content by reinforcing messages and creating a deeper impact than simply being delivered by an adult. Making the videos age-relevant has meant that pupils can more easily understand concepts and are more able to identify with the feelings being portrayed by other children in the videos.


The Health and Relationships programme is a great vehicle for inspiring conversation, whether across an entire class or in breakout groups. Most of our RHE lessons are taught as a single lesson but to really take advantage of some of the more practical activities we will be considering creating longer lessons in the future. Our Year 1 and 2 classes have really enjoyed using some of the practical activities which have helped to reinforce their learning.


The Health and Relationships platform has provided very useful materials to help us communicate with parents. We are planning an information session to walk through the resources and explain to parents what their children will be learning and how this will be delivered. It is very important, especially with a more sensitive subject such as RHE, to have transparency in our approach and the materials are very useful in supporting this.


Supporting children’s mental health is vitally important to the school and the Health and Relationships programme has provided the right tools to facilitate this and has also encouraged the children to come up with their own ideas for supporting each other. For example, last term some of our senior children researched and supported charities such Mind, through a series of different fundraising activities.


Returning to school after the first lockdown early last autumn, we used the Health and Relationships programme to supplement our Recovery Curriculum. This was useful not only for children but for teachers as well, providing resources to help us explore and address any concerns or anxieties about the return to school. In periods of home learning the platform has also proved ideal. Integrating PSHE lessons into the remote timetable is very simple and the resources work equally well as both live online lessons and static resources, which the children can easily access from home.

The programme further supports blended learning through the range of different and engaging activities. These lend themselves perfectly to remote learning where children can work through these quietly and thoughtfully without any classroom distractions. These resources have helped us to continue to offer a broad curriculum and a range of stimulating lessons ensuring that learning is continuous whether it’s in school or being delivered remotely.

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Planned progressive RSHE


Preston Primary School in Norwich uses Discovery Education Health and Relationships to teach RSHE. Victoria Braddock explains how the programme helps teachers to confidently deliver the new curriculum while building upon children’s learning.


We’ve been using Discovery Education Health and Relationships since September 2020. We wanted a PSHE programme that would help us to meet the statutory requirements consistently across the school. It’s good to find a scheme of work that we can pick and run with. It’s a complete resource so we don’t have to plan lessons from scratch.


I teach a Year 2/3 class, so it’s important for me to have flexible resources. Health and Relationships is ideal because it’s progressive scheme from Years 1 to 6. Children build upon their learning and teachers can track this using a handy Progression Grid. We can quickly see where each lesson fits in and show that our teaching is sequenced, in line with the new Ofsted Framework.


This is our first year of teaching the new RSHE Curriculum and the programme has definitely helped. As a scheme of work it’s clear, easy to follow and everything is in one place. From curriculum links and lesson plans to resources and key vocabulary, we’re completely covered. We can start each lesson knowing exactly what our objectives and outcomes are.


One of the things we like best about Health and Relationships is that it’s user friendly. The different resources are easy to find and very well organised. As time-poor teachers, it’s great to be able to access what we need quickly, whether a lesson plan or a particular video or activity. We can simply switch on and start teaching. Our TA’s find it really easy to deliver too.


Health and Relationships is a fantastic digital resource and some aspects can even be taught offline. The internet coverage in our area is sometimes a little patchy, so the ability to download and print resources is really important! There are also lots of great classroom activities that the children enjoy. The videos provide a brilliant prompt for offline pupil discussion.


We used Health and Relationships during lockdown and being able to deliver RSHE remotely was a lifesaver. Some of the topics such as Caring and Responsibility were very relevant to the pandemic. The resources helped us to look at the different responsibilities children have in the home and explored the idea of caring for others. The feedback we had from families was very positive.


Last year we also learned about Families and Committed Relationships. We explored the diversity of families and this sparked some important conversations at home. One of our parents told us that the lesson helped their child to talk about a grandparent who had recently died. Another said that it started a conversation about family trees, prompting the child to draw a picture which she shared in school. Each lesson took off in a different direction, which was lovely.


Health and Relationships includes lots of videos and photographs and our pupils respond really well to these. Recently we were learning about Healthy Bodies and Healthy Minds and exploring different feelings. It was great to have so many images to draw upon and because the pictures feature real children, they are very engaging. The videos are also child-led which makes a big impact. Pupils can relate to the content so they have a bigger response to it. It’s also good to see such diversity on screen.


Learning to respect difference is one of the key objectives of the new curriculum and Health and Relationships contains some brilliant resources to bring this to life. It reinforces our whole school approach to teaching about diversity. Recently we’ve used the programme alongside teaching about Black History Month and different faiths and cultures. Children notice difference, so it’s important to give them time and space to talk about it. We want to make sure that our teaching reflects the world they live in.


Health and Relationships covers the topic of friendships very well and we used it to prepare the children to return to school post-lockdown. It was important to revisit what makes a good friend and what happy friendship feels like. Health and Relationships also helps us to support the children’s wellbeing by exploring what it means to stay healthy physically and mentally. Our pupils have been so resilient during the pandemic and we’re very proud of them.


Health and Relationships is a fantastic resource. It’s helped us to feel confident about delivering the new RSHE curriculum and we have complete peace of mind that we’re meeting the objectives. It’s so helpful to have a scheme of work that is fully planned and works for the whole school. And because the learning builds, every lesson we teach makes a positive impact. The way it all fits together is really effective.

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Engaging parents with RSHE


Oswestry School in Shropshire uses Discovery Education Health and Relationships to deliver the statutory RSHE Curriculum. Head of Prep School Claire Belk shares how the programme gives teachers complete support, especially when it comes to engaging parents.


We switched to Discovery Education Health and Relationships from another provider earlier this year. We wanted a complete RSHE resource with everything in one place. Health and Relationships is easier to use because you don’t have to leave the platform to look for additional resources. It also provides fantastic teaching support in terms of planning, delivery and training for staff. As a product, it ticks so many boxes for us.


One of the best things about Health and Relationships is that it supported us to talk to parents about the new curriculum. RSHE is a fundamentally important part of children’s learning but, understandably, some parents feel hesitant about some of the necessary but sensitive content. It’s therefore important that the lines of parental communication are kept open. We found that, once we’d explained what we were going to be teaching and why, parents were reassured and appreciative. Consequently, they felt they could also support and reinforce their child’s learning at home.


Discovery Education Health and Relationships is well resourced to help schools engage parents with the new RSHE curriculum. It includes high quality presentations detailing what teachers will be teaching, along with useful resources such as template letters to support ongoing communication. It also includes suggestions on how you might answer tricky parents’ questions. For us, it couldn’t have been easier as everything was at our fingertips.


Recently we used the resources to host a virtual parent meeting where we shared our new RSHE curriculum. We started by giving an overview of Health and Relationships and then used breakout rooms to give a preview of what would be taught in each year group. Teachers were able to run through the programme and answer specific questions relating to their year group. Our parents were very impressed with the programme and particularly loved the video-led approach. It was even better received than we hoped!


It’s natural for parents to have questions about RSHE, and Health and Relationships helps us to address these. It means that we can easily show parents what is being taught and explain why. Health and Relationships gives our school a robust RSHE curriculum. We can see exactly what should be delivered to pupils at each stage and this helps us to get it right for the children. It also helps with parental engagement because they are reassured by the age appropriateness of the material and there is clear reasoning behind each new topic or learning stage.


Health and Relationships covers the sensitive areas of RSHE very well. By using child-led videos, it presents tricky topics in a way which is non-threatening. The children who present the videos are fantastic role models and our pupils can really relate to them. It’s so much more effective than using puppets or cartoons. In Year 6 for example, we see a boy talking confidently about periods. This is exactly what children need to see. It deflates any self-consciousness because they see real children talking about it. And, it gets the message across that no one should feel embarrassed about puberty.


One of the main things we’ve stressed to parents is the importance of a safe learning environment for delivering RSHE. Parents do have the right to withdraw their child from sex education, but in doing so they run the risk of allowing them to discover information away from the safety of the classroom, for example, in the playground or on the internet. Health and Relationships supports us to create a very safe teaching and learning environment by clearly setting out the principles for doing so and also guides teachers on how to approach sensitive topics.


Discovery Education Health and Relationships follows a spiral curriculum and the children’s learning builds year upon year. Our parents are very reassured by this approach. They like the fact that we revisit different topics, and that the content is age appropriate. We found this spiral approach particularly useful post lockdown, when we had to cover a lot of ground. The way in which Health and Relationship is structured meant that we could easily dip into previous years where we felt that the children needed more support to understand the content for their year group.


Recently we received an inspection and the RSHE provision was rated highly in our junior school. Because we are using Health and Relationships, we were able to quickly demonstrate that we are fully meeting the statutory requirements and supporting the needs of our whole school community: pupils, staff and parents.

In summary, we’re very pleased that we came across Health and Relationships. It’s a high quality resource that enables us to deliver an excellent programme of relationships and health education for our children. We rate it very highly indeed.

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Primary computing for British international schools


The Alice Smith School, Malaysia is one of the oldest and most prestigious British international schools in Asia. Based in Kuala Lumpur, the school welcomes children from around the world and teaches over 1600 pupils from pre-school to Year 13.

The school follows a British curriculum, and teachers use Discovery Education Coding to bring primary computing to life. Computing Specialist Catherine Archer explains how the platform helps students to build vital skills and supports blended learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.


We started using Discovery Education Coding earlier this year. As a specialist computing teacher, I know what I’m looking for and what works in the classroom. I could immediately see that this platform was right for our school, particularly at Key Stage 2. It’s closely mapped to the British National Curriculum and covers key coding concepts. It’s easy for teachers to use and engaging for children.


One of the things I like best about Discovery Education Coding is how it’s structured. The different levels help pupils to understand concepts such as sequencing, selection and debugging, while short activities allow children to build and see results quickly. There are bubbles that pop, floating ghosts, racing planes and aquariums with fish that swim across the screen. These colourful concepts really appeal to my students and they love using the platform. They can easily code a game and make it fun.


It is very accessible. Each activity supports individual learners’ needs via use of short videos, onscreen and audio instructions. Most coding platforms involve lots of reading, but Discovery Education Coding is more intuitive. Key words are highlighted throughout, enabling children to check their meaning. This triangle of key words, video and audio enables every child to succeed. For this reason, the platform really wins out for me in terms of accessibility.


Discovery Education Coding supports independent learning because each lesson or activity is self-contained. It’s also broken down into small chunks, so students can master each skill before moving onto the next. This makes it easy to differentiate and to help higher ability pupils to progress.

Some of the activities touch upon more complex variables and game playing, enabling these children to go deeper into the maths: e.g. they can use degrees, x/y co-ordinates and Boolean (a branch of algebra in which the values of the variables are the truth values true and false) expressions in their games. This helps me to make each lesson a little more challenging. The platform also provides the cornerstones of computational thinking and helps pupils to build problem solving skills. I can extend their learning with algorithm writing or by setting a challenge at the end of a tutorial.


Discovery Education Coding offers extensive teacher support and you don’t need to be a specialist to use it. The platform includes explanatory videos and helpful lesson plans. I like the fact that teachers can pick it up and run with it without help. Many non-specialist teachers lack the confidence to teach coding and particularly struggle with debugging. As its tutorials are self-contained, and deal with one topic at a time, it’s much easier for teachers to help pupils to problem solve.


It’s vital that children can access good quality computing resources while studying at home. I’m using Discovery Education Coding to support distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, and it’s working well. I tend to pre-record my coding lessons and I combine this with Discovery Education’s online coding activities. With my Year 3 pupils, for example, I’ve been using the platform to teach key coding words. So, we’ll focus on several activities and one key word which underpins these, e.g. input. We’ll look at the activities to get used to the specific blocks, and I’ll assess the children at the end of the lesson using an external multiple choice quiz.


Recently, my Year 4 pupils took part in a coding challenge organised by Discovery Education and COBIS. Using the platform at home, they designed their own apps featuring ‘everyday hero’ characters. They began by designing characters and backgrounds before adding code to create sound, movement and scoring. The challenge really fired their imagination and they created some brilliant apps! One student designed a game featuring a famous environmentalist fighting through a jungle, while another created a superhero dog racing across a maze. From a home learning perspective it was a real success!


It supports the development of creative thinking and offers a good balance between tutorials and independent learning. There’s plenty of room for creativity with open-ended activities at the end of each unit and a free code area where pupils can code from scratch. This is the area that my students enjoy most. They love the opportunity to be independent and to exercise their imagination. There’s a complete library of coding blocks that they can use to build exciting games.


For me, Discovery Education Coding is one of the most accessible resources that I’ve come across. It caters for every child and can be used by specialist and non-specialist teachers. Kids can create something very quickly and build a fun game or app that they are proud of. There is nothing more delightful than seeing a child create something and share it with friends, saying “Look at this! Isn’t this brilliant? Do you want to play my game?” That’s the ultimate goal for every coding lesson. To encourage peer review and sharing. We see that a lot with Discovery Education Coding, and it’s lovely.

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Learning to code with purpose


Hannah Tudor, Headteacher of St Mary of Charity Primary School in Kent shares her experience of teaching with Discovery Education Coding.


We’ve been using Discovery Education Coding for two years. I don’t know how we would teach coding without it. We came across the resources after deciding to give our pupils focused computing time. Our staff had limited experience of coding and I was concerned that we wouldn’t be able to train teachers quickly enough. We chose Discovery Education Coding because it offers a complete solution. It was a quick and instant fix.


Before using Discovery Education Coding some of our pupils were behind where they needed to be. Our teachers didn’t have the expertise to progress pupils in a structured way, so we were delighted to find that Discovery Education Coding could do this for us. The catch-up units helped us to upskill our pupils quickly and boost their confidence. It also gave us the right resources to move lessons along at a pace that worked for everybody. Today’s children are technologically savvy, but their experience is often limited to hand-held devices. They can use a console, but they don’t know how to build a game of their own. Discovery Education Coding closes the gap. It gives teachers the tools to develop pupils’ knowledge and skills.


Discovery Education Coding is very easy to teach. The resources are so good that each lesson runs itself. Short videos show what’s needed and demonstrate programming to children in a way that they can easily understand. And if a pupil has a question, staff don’t need to worry about not knowing the answer. The resources help children to problem solve independently. Programming is a skill that was dropped into primary schools suddenly, but Discovery Education Coding helped us to meet this challenge. It completely underpins our computing curriculum and boosts teacher confidence.


The children love Discovery Education Coding. They enjoy building their own apps and games and sharing the finished result. The rocket and golf games are firm favourites. Our pupils got to grips with the simplicity of Discovery Education Coding very quickly. We knew that they would be able to use it confidently. They just took off!


The resource has helped our pupils to develop their computational thinking skills. But the biggest thing for me is that these skills are often transferrable, particularly debugging. The debugging process of reviewing and thinking about why a program hasn’t worked benefits other areas of the children’s work. For example, in writing, where we talk about the need to go back and edit. Discovery Education Coding has developed this as a universal skill for pupils, because they can instantly see if something has gone wrong. The evaluation aspect is powerful.


The Discovery Education Coding resources enable us to show real progress in terms of the skills children build. With each new unit pupils refresh and build upon these. They also push themselves a little further, collaborating while learning from each other. What we love most about Discovery Education Coding is that each lesson builds into something. The children create a program that they can share and celebrate. This outcome for me is very powerful. Our pupils aren’t just learning lots of random coding skills, they are learning to code with purpose.


Discovery Education Coding is a consistent resource and it works! It involves very little input from our ICT subject lead because it doesn’t change. Its a constant. As a leader this is invaluable. There are no unexpected surprises. It’s a complete solution and very cost effective. It’s also intuitive and the children make great progress using it. Our teachers rely upon it, why would we change it?

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Helping every child achieve with Discovery Education Coding


Martyn Ode, Level 3 Teaching Assistant and Computing Lead at St Oswald’s Catholic Primary School in Wigan, shares his experience of teaching with Discovery Education Coding.


We’ve been using Discovery Education Coding for five years, and Discovery Education Espresso for even longer. As the lead teacher for Computing I needed a resource to use in every class across every year group. Discovery Education Coding does that. It engages pupils of all ages.


Each class has weekly designated computing time, and Discovery Education Coding is a big part of this. I like the step-by-step lessons and videos which introduce the children to block coding, and then allow them to create their own games and apps. I’m passionate about the internet and technology and it’s great to see the children using screens in such a positive way. The content really engages them.


Discovery Education Coding is brilliant for pupils of all abilities. We don’t need to differentiate our teaching or put the children into ability groups. The content is very accessible and encourages pupils to work together. I love the sense of pride that our lower ability pupils feel when they create something amazing. Some of these children might struggle to approach a written task in English or Maths, but the visual instructions in coding are more accessible. Every child matters and coding allows every child to achieve!


I often use offline coding activities to bring computing concepts to life. There are lots of great examples of these in the lesson plans. The Jam Sandwich Algorithm is a favourite. To help the children understand that all computer programs are a sequence of instructions, I ask them to write an algorithm which programs me to prepare a jam sandwich. I make the sandwich in class according to their instructions. It’s great fun and they learn from their mistakes –or bugs –as we go along. I’ve also asked the children to create their own dance by writing an algorithm to map out each move. They use tiddlywinks to represent the dancers and debug the choreography before performing it for real.


Discovery Education Coding helps our pupils to build lots of different skills. It’s totally cross curricular. Their computational thinking skills have improved as has their ability to focus. Many pupils find it easier to concentrate on screens than books. Coding just engages them. It’s also great for teamwork. You’d imagine that coding is something pupils might do on their own, but I always encourage the children to work in groups. They write the code and then work together to debug and fine tune their game or app. Peer feedback helps them to improve. There’s nothing better than when they put together the instructions for a game and click ‘Run’ to watch the finished product. They are so excited by what they have achieved!


As well as boosting computational skills and focus, Discovery Education Coding helps our pupils with maths. The whole process of programming builds skills in counting, calculation, position, direction and more. The game timers also help the children to learn about time. I’ll often ask them to convert seconds to minutes, or to explain how the timer is working.


Teaching primary coding can be daunting, but Discovery Education Coding really simplifies things. The videos are so helpful for teachers. You can watch the clips to get up to speed before you deliver each lesson. Our teachers have been surprised at how quickly they have picked it up. It has really improved their confidence as non-computing specialists. They can just switch on their laptop and be ready to deliver a coding lesson.


Coding is such an important skill. Technology has changed dramatically and as teachers we need to prepare children because they are the programmers of the future. I love to see how positively they react in coding lessons and I get emotional when I see what they can achieve. The best thing for me about Discovery Education Coding is that it covers all abilities. It’s 100% child friendly and grabs every pupil’s attention. It lets them believe: “I can do this!”

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